Dark Princess Chapter 1-1

(Content Tags: giantess, F/m, fearplay, feet, shoes)

Something didn’t feel right.

Nausea followed close behind his awareness, as the dizziness subsided only to clear his vision to a sight he certainly didn’t expect.

Everything was huge.

The table close by, with a solitary plinth larger than any building he had seen before. The top of which he couldn’t see clearly as it spread like a mushroom to conceal anything atop of it.

“Well, what do you think of my power now?”

The voice was loud, thunderous. His hands instinctively went to his ears to somehow shield his pain. His attention was drawn upward to the source of the voice and he nearly fell backwards in his disbelief.

A woman, taller than the table he had seen, was seated on a crystal throne. One leg crossed over the other in a casual gesture of her superiority. The raised foot showed the scuffs of the sole, which was a sight he never thought he would see in a position like his.

She was casual about everything now. Her lips curled into a victorious smirk. She had won, she knew this. Her hair was a bursting mane of red, with a slender, golden tiara amid the flames. Her eyes, lined in black with bright eyeshadow flaring from the outer corners, gazed down and through him. He felt even smaller than he was under that sheer, focused cruelty.

“Nothing, hm?” The woman said. “I’d expect that. You probably never have even been in the presence of royalty, much less looking up at it.”

She slowly uncrossed her legs and crossed them again in the other direction. She was taking her time with this.

“I don’t know how you were able to get past all of the guards, and every security detail I have in this palace, so you are far from incompetent. Normally I would have just had you executed and be finished with this. Though for you, I think you might prove to be a good servant. You simply need the time and the chance to prove yourself worthy of my affection.”

She raised a slender hand and snapped her fingers. With that, a loud rumble of the doors opening on the far end of the hall opened. A pair of guards, dressed in dark uniforms with flowing capes, and matching helms marched into the room. One was carrying what looked to be a cage of some sort.

“What are you planning on doing to me?!” The tiny man finally said.

“Why keep you safe, of course,” The woman said. “but before we truly get started, I have some important directions for you. I will not repeat myself.”

She stood now and walked down the few steps of the raised dais and strode toward him, her heeled shoes clicking sharply against the crystal floor. She stopped only when she was towering over him, the toes of her shoes dangerously close to his comparatively tiny body.

Published by impydcreations

Imp and Writer (and maybe more!)

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