Dark Princess Chapter 1-2

(Content Tags: fear play, imprisonment)

Dark Princess Chapter 1-2

“You will refer to me as ‘My Princess’ or ‘Your Majesty’ from now on,” she said. “Failure to give me proper respect will cost you, but I’ll forgive you this time. You are such a small thing, after all.”

She raised her foot and hovered it over him. The shadow cast by her shoe blotted out the light above him. It was close enough to him, he saw every scuff and every mark upon the sole.

“If you choose to defy me still, or if I become bored with your performance. I will crush you. It will not be hard, and I will not think twice about it.”

The tiny man felt the color drain from his face. How he was still able to stand was a surprise even to him. He felt as if he could have fallen to his knees and begged for mercy, but something within him stopped him. Perhaps it was the fear that transfixed him to the spot that he was standing in that kept him from moving at all.

The Princess let her foot hover over her little captive for a few moments more, punctuating her intention, before bringing it back and standing with both feet upon the chamber floor once again.

Before he could register what had happened, the tiny man felt himself seized by a hand as one of the guards stooped down to grab the tiny prisoner. Another guard opened up a small door in the wire cage he was holding, closing it as his comrade deposited the prisoner and retrieved his hand once more.

The Princess’s smile had not left her lips as she turned and strode back up the dais to seat herself back upon her crystal throne.

“Take him away, and let him get used to his new surroundings before I set him to work.”

The guards bowed as one, turning and striding from the chamber. The view of the Princess was obscured by the massive guard’s uniform His eyes were drawn to the open doors before them and the unknown that lay beyond.

“Enjoy your stay,” He heard her say as the guards strode through the doors, “because you will never leave.”

The cage rocked in its perch, as the weight of the prisoner within caused it to shift as he paced back and forth in confinement. The room outside was dark, save for some shreds of light from under the door to the hallway. Shades and outlines of various furniture could be seen, adding a homely touch to the fact that he was in a prison far above the ground. 

This wasn’t right. He didn’t know what he was even doing here. His brain felt foggy, pillowed in the indistinct mist that refused to burn away with the morning sun. So much had happened in so little time, and he was unsure of where he was, what he was, who he was. He had to escape, but how?

Published by impydcreations

Imp and Writer (and maybe more!)

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