Dark Princess 2-3

That thought was quickly pushed out of mind as he found a crack in the wall, hardly the size of a mouse hole, and pressed himself through. Only when he was safely between the walls did he dare to look back. He waited. Nothing happened. Nobody came to investigate. This sort of blessing was not lost on him, and he did not wish to waste such luck as he began to work his way through the interior of the castle, trying to find any sort of landmarks. Anything he could use to navigate and get a better idea of his surroundings. More importantly, he searched for a way to escape the castle itself and put as much space between him and this place as possible before his escape was detected. It wasn’t a matter of if, so much as when.

Whether it was his loss of memory of his past, or whether he was truly bad with his sense of direction, he found himself increasingly lost. The interiors of these walls felt labyrinthine. From the outside, the walls looked like it was dense crystal. Within, it was as dull, dark, but oddly smooth. The walls around him perfectly straight, perfectly angled, perfectly flawless on the surfaces. 

It was oddly disquieting, like he had stumbled into some forbidden place. He had no method of landmarking anything, so speed would only succeed in getting him more lost. Time was a luxury, though, and he ran off in the direction that seemed to make the most sense to him at the time.

Rooms seemed to blend together the more he ran. Peeking through cracks and holes where could find them, he saw the same crystal floors, plain furniture, the only difference being there were no cages. He feared that he was going in circles, unable to really tell if there was any progress made.

What did catch his eye was a splenderous room that put every other room he found to shame. A golden bedframe, plush chairs overstuffed and probably oversoft, decorative rugs, which belatedly seemed an odd choice to have in a palace that seemed made of crystal for its shine. A few mirrors hung from the walls, their frames and glass polished bright.

 In the center of the room stood a plinth. It looked very familiar. It looked to be about waist height, judging loosely from the furniture near it, supported by three spindly legs, and topped with a pillow. The pillow itself looking even more immaculate than anything else in the room. It was there for a reason. Like it could hold something.

Was this the Princess’ room, he thought. Evidence seemed to point to it, but that meant he needed to get far from here. He took off between the walls further, more confident in his way with at least the Princess’ room to tell where he had been.

Published by impydcreations

Imp and Writer (and maybe more!)

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