You Asked For This! (Comic)

Don’t worry, I just wanted to act all grumpy. I finally got started doing some comics for myself. Folks have been encouraging me to just get started and not worry about all the practice I thought I’d have to get through first, so I guess my drawing ability is going to grow as I keepContinue reading “You Asked For This! (Comic)”

Dark Princess Chapter 2-1

(Content Tags: Heights, tiny male) The tiny hero had paced until his legs had begun burning. He wracked his brain trying to figure out what happened. Nothing made sense. Memory was foggy but he felt certain that things around him, much less people were far bigger than he was. Escape. That’s what he needed toContinue reading “Dark Princess Chapter 2-1”

Dark Princess Chapter 1-2

(Content Tags: fear play, imprisonment) Dark Princess Chapter 1-2 “You will refer to me as ‘My Princess’ or ‘Your Majesty’ from now on,” she said. “Failure to give me proper respect will cost you, but I’ll forgive you this time. You are such a small thing, after all.” She raised her foot and hovered itContinue reading “Dark Princess Chapter 1-2”

Dark Princess Chapter 1-1

(Content Tags: giantess, F/m, fearplay, feet, shoes) Something didn’t feel right. Nausea followed close behind his awareness, as the dizziness subsided only to clear his vision to a sight he certainly didn’t expect. Everything was huge. The table close by, with a solitary plinth larger than any building he had seen before. The top ofContinue reading “Dark Princess Chapter 1-1”